Wind & Structures (WAS) - v. 9, n. 3 (Juni 2006)
Erschienen: | Juni 2006 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Zhang, Panfeng / Gao, Lei / Wang, Jinjun | Drag reduction of a disk with an upstream rod | 245-254 |
Harris, R. I. | Errors in GEV analysis of wind epoch maxima from Weibull parents | 179-191 |
Lee, Kyung Ho / Rosowsky, David V. | Fragility curves for woodframe structures subjected to lateral wind loads | 217-230 |
Sterling, M. / Baker, C. J. / Richards, P. J. / Hoxey, R. P. / Quinn, A. D. | An investigation of the wind statistics and extreme gust events at a rural site | 193-215 |
Ding, Quanshun / Zhu, Ledong / Xiang, Haifan | Simulation of stationary Gaussian stochastic wind velocity field | 231-243 |