Wind & Structures (WAS) - v. 21, n. 1 (Juli 2015)
Erschienen: | Juli 2015 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Niu, Huawei / Zhou, Shuai / Chen, Zhengqing / Hua, Xugang | An empirical model for amplitude prediction on VIV-galloping instability of rectangular cylinders | 85-103 |
Han, Yan / Liu, Shuqian / Cai, C. S. / Li, Chunguang | Flutter stability of a long-span suspension bridge during erection | 41-61 |
Sanchez-Rebollo, Cristina / Velez, Enrique / Jimenez-Octavio, Jesus R. | Numerical characterization of real railway overhead cables | 105-117 |
Cheng, L. / Lam, K. M. / Wong, S. Y. | POD analysis of crosswind forces on a tall building with square and H-shaped cross sections | 63-84 |
Lee, Sang Joon / Kim, Jeong Jae / Yeom, Eunseop | Vortex-induced reconfiguration of a tandem arrangement of flexible cylinders | 25-40 |
Wang, Yunjie / Li, Q. S. | Wind pressure characteristics of a low-rise building with various openings on a roof corner | 1-23 |