Structure and Infrastructure Engineering - v. 20, n. 4 (Oktober 2024)
Erschienen: | Oktober 2024 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Kunawisarut, Atichon / Iwanami, Mitsuyasu / Chijiwa, Nobuhiro / Nakayama, Kazuhide | Assessment of bond deterioration in corroded RC members incorporating cracking response and tension stiffening | 1-13 |
Limongelli, Maria Pina / Gentile, Carmelo / Biondini, Fabio / di Prisco, Marco / Ballio, Francesco / Zonno, Giacomo / Borlenghi, Paolo / Bianchi, Silvia / Capacci, Luca / Anghileri, Mattia / Zani, Giulio / Scalbi, Agnese / Flores Ferreira, Katherina / D’Angelo, Manuel / Cazzulani, Gabriele / Benedetti, Lorenzo / Somaschini, Claudio / Bernardini, Lorenzo / Belloli, Marco / Resta, Ferruccio / Vigo, Paola / Colombo, Aldo | Bridge structural monitoring: the Lombardia regional guidelines | 1-24 |
Daulat, Shamsuddin / Rokstad, Marius Møller / Klein-Paste, Alex / Langeveld, Jeroen / Tscheikner-Gratl, Franz | Challenges of integrated multi-infrastructure asset management: a review of pavement, sewer, and water distribution networks | 1-20 |
Chen, Yinggao / Zheng, Kaifeng / Cheng, Zhenyu / Deng, Penghao / Zhang, Qinghua | Competing mechanism between vertical stiffness and anti-slip safety in double-cable multi-span suspension bridges | 1-13 |
Chien-Kuo, Chiu / Krasna, Wiku A. / Tandri, Alexander I. | Crack-controlled allowable forces for high-strength reinforced concrete columns under cyclic loading using finite element analysis | 1-15 |
Yamane, Tatsuro / Chun, Pang-Jo / Honda, Riki | Detecting and localising damage based on image recognition and structure from motion, and reflecting it in a 3D bridge model | 1-13 |
Yu, Jian / Jiang, Lizhong / Zhou, Wangbao / Liu, Xiang / Lai, Zhipeng | Evolutionary power spectrum density of earthquake-induced rail geometric irregularities | 1-16 |
Marasco, Giulia / Oldani, Federico / Chiaia, Bernardino / Ventura, Giulio / Dominici, Fabrizio / Rossi, Claudio / Iacobini, Franco / Vecchi, Andrea | Machine learning approach to the safety assessment of a prestressed concrete railway bridge | 1-15 |
Hou, Benwei / Xu, Qianyi / Zhong, Zilan / Han, Junyan / Miao, Huiquan / Du, Xiuli | Seismic reliability evaluation of spatially correlated pipeline networks by quasi-Monte Carlo simulation | 1-16 |
Wang, Bin / Ding, Yishuang / Xu, Jingjin / Zhao, Zule | Seismic resilience assessment of reinforced concrete structures under salt erosion | 1-12 |
Zhang, Weiping / Qiu, Junli / Zhao, Chunlei | Structural behavior degradation of corroded metro tunnel lining segment | 1-17 |