Structure and Infrastructure Engineering - v. 5, n. 2 (April 2009)
Erschienen: | April 2009 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Nassif, H. H. / Abu-Amra, T. / Suksawang, N. / Khodair, Y. / Shah, N. | Field investigation and performance of bridge approach slabs | 105-121 |
Kallen, Maarten-Jan | In memoriam | 69-70 |
Pandey, M. D. / Yuan, X.-X. / van Noortwijk, J. M. | The influence of temporal uncertainty of deterioration on life-cycle management of structures | 145-156 |
Khodair, Y. A. | Lateral earth pressure behind an integral abutment | 123-136 |
Alam, M. S. / Nehdi, M. / Amanat, K. M. | Modelling and analysis of retrofitted and un-retrofitted masonry-infilled RC frames under in-plane lateral loading | 71-90 |
Alamilla, J. L. / Oliveros, J. / García-Vargas, J. | Probabilistic modelling of a corroded pressurized pipeline at inspection time | 91-104 |
O'Connor, A. / Enevoldsen, I. | Probability-based assessment of highway bridges according to the new Danish guideline | 157-168 |
Zhao, Y.-G. / Zhong, W.-Q. | A quality evaluation method for existing carbonated reinforced concrete members | 137-144 |