Structural Survey - v. 8, n. 1 (Januar 1990)
Erschienen: | Januar 1990 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
van Es, Roel | Carbonation and distressed concrete | 46-50 |
Luder, O. | Façading | 51-53 |
Cruden, A. | Fort George rehabilitation – Case study on timber strengthening | 31-43 |
Rooley, R. | Instruments for the survey of building engineering services | 44-45 |
Ryalls, P. / Stevens, A. | A large excavation at the New British Library | 9-27 |
Balmer, D. | A practical comment on condensation | 28-30 |
Weatherhead, M. | Structural surveys in Europe | 5-8 |