Structural Survey - v. 11, n. 2 (Februar 1993)
Erschienen: | Februar 1993 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Holbrook, Diana | Archival research at Rochester cathedral | 150-158 |
Catt, Richard | Conservation in Italy | 168-174 |
Hutton, T. C. / Dobson, J. | The control of feral pigeons: an independent approach | 159-167 |
Sadgrove, Roger | Maintenance and restoration of concrete buildings | 122-128 |
Smith, Ron | Passive fire protection | 142-149 |
Brown ARICS, Richard | Repair and upgrading of ′The Milliners′, Kent | 135-141 |
Lingel, M. | The survey and repair of flues and chimneys | 129-134 |
Bird, Peter | Winchester Cathedral: repair of the tower | 115-121 |