Structural Survey - v. 27, n. 5 (November 2009)
Erschienen: | November 2009 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Guerra Santin, Olivia | Environmental assessment of construction trends in Mexico: towards sustainable building? | 361-371 |
Yau, Yung / Chi‐wing Ho, Daniel / Chau, Kwong‐wing / Lau, Wai‐yip | Estimation algorithm for predicting the performance of private apartment buildings in Hong Kong | 372-389 |
António Costa Branco de Oliveira Pe, João | How small can a dwelling be? A revision of Portuguese building regulations | 390-410 |
Bullen, Peter A. / Love, Peter E. D. | Residential regeneration and adaptive reuse: learning from the experiences of Los Angeles | 351-360 |
D'Orazio, M. / Di Perna, C. / Stazi, F. | Thermal behaviour of vented roofs | 411-422 |