Structural Survey - v. 33, n. 2 (Mai 2015)
Erschienen: | Mai 2015 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Wilkinson, Sara | Building approval data and the quantification of sustainability over time: A case study of Australia and England | 92-108 |
Read, Lee / Arayici, Yusuf | Can soap be a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based thermal insulation? | 167-190 |
O'Neill, Daniel / Gunnigan, Louis / Clarke, Peter | Evolution of the construction of Dublin City Council’s housing, with emphasis on wall construction | 109-132 |
Bruce, Toby / Zuo, Jian / Rameezdeen, Raufdeen / Pullen, Stephen | Factors influencing the retrofitting of existing office buildings using Adelaide, South Australia as a case study | 150-166 |
Gohardani, Navid / af Klintberg, Tord / Björk, Folke | Turning building renovation measures into energy saving opportunities | 133-149 |