Structural Optimization - v. 13, n. 4 (Juni 1997)
Erschienen: | Juni 1997 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Lindby, T. / Santos, J. L. T. | 2-D and 3-D shape optimization using mesh velocities to integrate analytical sensitivities with associative CAD | 213-222 |
Marti, K. | Approximation and derivatives of probabilities of survival in structural analysis and design | 230-243 |
Cheng, G. / Kang, Z. / Wang, G. | Dynamic optimization of a turbine foundation | 244-249 |
Holtz, D. / Arora, J. S. | An efficient implementation of adjoint sensitivity analysis for optimal control problems | 223-229 |
Rozvany, G. I. N. | Exact optimal layout of grillages for partially upward and partially downward loading | 267-270 |
Rozvany, G. I. N. | Partial relaxation of the orthogonality requirement for classical Michell trusses | 271-274 |
Chai, S. / Sun, H. C. | A two-level delimitative and combinatorial algorithm for discrete optimization of structures | 250-257 |
Cheng, G. D. / Guo, X. | ε-relaxed approach in structural topology optimization | 258-266 |