Structural Health Monitoring - v. 12, n. 2 (Dezember 2012)
Erschienen: | Dezember 2012 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Silversides, Ian / Maslouhi, Ahmed / LaPlante, Gabriel | Acoustic emission monitoring of interlaminar delamination onset in carbon fibre composites | 126-140 |
Mulligan, Kyle R. / Quaegebeur, Nicolas / Ostiguy, Pierre-Claude / Masson, Patrice / Létourneau, Sylvain | Comparison of metrics to monitor and compensate for piezoceramic debonding in structural health monitoring | 153-168 |
Hussain, Sajid / Gabbar, Hossam A. | Fault diagnosis in gearbox using adaptive wavelet filtering and shock response spectrum features extraction | 169-180 |
Yu, Xinbao / Zhang, Bin / Tao, Junliang / Yu, Xiong | A new time-domain reflectometry bridge scour sensor | 99-113 |
Fisher, Murray / Atamturktur, Sez / Khan, Abdul A. | A novel vibration-based monitoring technique for bridge pier and abutment scour | 114-125 |
Haynes, Colin / Todd, Michael D. / Flynn, Eric / Croxford, Anthony | Statistically-based damage detection in geometrically-complex structures using ultrasonic interrogation | 141-152 |