Structural Engineering and Mechanics (SEM) - v. 4, n. 1 (Januar 1996)
Erschienen: | Januar 1996 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Tanaka, Masa / Matsumoto, T. / Yang, Q. F. | A boundary element method based on time-stepping approximation for transient heat conduction in anisotropic solids | 61-72 |
Lee, S. L. / Swaddiwudhipong, S. / Alwis, W. A. M. | Dynamic response of elasto-plastic planar arches | 9-23 |
Bradford, M. A. | Elastic distortional buckling of overhanging beams | 37-47 |
Chucheepsakul, S. / Thepphitak, G. / Wang, C. M. | Large deflection of simple variable-arc-length beam subjected to a point load | 49-59 |
Underhill, W. R. C. / Dokainish, M. A. / Oravas, G.Ae. | Large displacement Lagrangian mechanics -Part I - Theory | 73-89 |
Underhill, W. R. C. / Dokainish, M. A. / Oravas, G.Ae. | Large displacement Lagrangian mechanics -Part II - Equilibrium principles | 91-107 |
Stephen, D. B. / Steven, G. P. | A modified Zienkiewicz-Zhu error estimator | 1-8 |
Valido, Aníbal J. / Sousa, Luis G. / Cardoso, J. Barradas | Optimal cross-section and configuration design of cyclic loaded elastic-plastic structures | 25-35 |