Structural Engineering and Mechanics (SEM) - v. 7, n. 3 (März 1999)
Erschienen: | März 1999 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Rao, K. Balaji / Appa Rao, T. V. S. R. | Cracking in reinforced concrete flexural members - A reliability model | 303-318 |
El-Sheikh, Ahmed | Design of top concrete slabs of composite space trusses | 319-330 |
Sakiyama, T. / Huang, M. | Elastic bending analysis of irregular-shaped plates | 289-302 |
Gülkan, P. / Alemdar, B. N. | An exact finite element for a beam on a two-parameter elastic foundation: a revisit | 259-276 |
Kang, Moon-Myung / Mu, Zai-Gen / Kim, Seung-Deog / Kwun, Taek-Jin | A fuzzy optimum design of axisymmetrically loaded thin shells of revolution | 277-288 |
Long, Wenyi / Troitsky, Michael S. / Zielinski, Zenon A. | Optimum design of cable-stayed bridges | 241-257 |
Wang, B. / Lu, G. | Transient response of a right-angled bent cantilever subjected to an out-of-plane tip load | 331-344 |