Structural Engineering and Mechanics (SEM) - v. 22, n. 1 (Januar 2006)
Erschienen: | Januar 2006 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Chyzy, T. / Kretowska, J. / Miedzialowski, Cz. | Analysis of 3D wall building structures dynamic response | 33-52 |
Multon, S. / Seignol, J. F. / Toutlemonde, F. | Concrete beams submitted to various moisture environments | 71-83 |
Gentile, C. | Modal and structural identification of a R.C. arch bridge | 53-70 |
degl'Innocenti, Silvia / Padovani, Cristina / Pasquinelli, Giuseppe | Numerical methods for the dynamic analysis of masonry structures | 107-130 |
Ng, C. L. / Xu, Y. L. | Seismic response control of a building complex utilizing passive friction damper: Analytical study | 85-105 |
Fiedler, T. / Ochsner, A. / Gracio, J. | The uniaxial strain test - a simple method for the characterization of porous materials | 17-32 |
Yao, Wei-an / Li, Xiao-chuan / Yu, Gui-Rong | Virtual boundary element-equivalent collocation method for the plane magnetoelectroelastic solids | 1-16 |