The Structural Design of Tall Buildings - v. 9, n. 5 (2000)
Erschienen: | 2000 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Li, Q. S. / Wong, C. K. / Fang, J. Q. / Jeary, A. P. / Chow, Y. W. | Field measurements of wind and structural responses of a 70-storey tall building under typhoon conditions | 325-342 |
Lateral stiffness characteristics of tall reinforced concrete buildings under service loads | 365-383 | |
Xenidis, Hariton / Morfidis, Kostas / Avramidis, Ioannis E. | Modeling of two-cell cores for three-dimensional analysis of multi-story buildings | 343-363 |
Scarlat, Adrian S. | Soft stories - an appropriate choice for failure theory | 385-390 |
Hart, Gary C. | Structural engineer to structural engineer: conversation with Matthys P. Levy | 321-324 |