The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings - v. 19, n. 5 (August 2010)
Erschienen: | August 2010 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Shi, Jianguang / Han, Tong | Conceiving methods and innovative approaches for tall building structure systems | 537-550 |
Shih, Ming-Hsiang / Sung, Wen-Pei / Chen, Chang-Liang | Earthquake proof efficacy of Velocity and Displacement Dependent Hydraulic Damper (VDHD) for R.C. structures | 479-496 |
Kang, Cheol Kyu / Choi, Byong Jeong | Empirical evaluation of ductility factors for the special steel moment-resisting frames in view of soil condition | 551-572 |
Hong, Won-Kee / Park, Seon-Chee / Kim, Heecheul / Kim, Jin-Min / Kim, Seung-Il / Lee, Seung-Geun | Experimental study of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with a GFRP channel and CFRP sheets | 497-517 |
Carpinteri, A. / Lacidogna, G. / Puzzi, S. | A global approach for three-dimensional analysis of tall buildings | 518-536 |
Huang, Kai / Kuang, J. S. | On the applicability of pushover analysis for seismic evaluation of medium- and high-rise buildings | 573-588 |