Structural Control and Health Monitoring - v. 21, n. 8 (August 2014)
Erschienen: | August 2014 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Strano, Salvatore / Terzo, Mario | A multi-purpose seismic test rig control via a sliding mode approach | 1193-1207 |
Mahmood, S. M. Faisal / Haritos, Nicholas / Gad, Emad / Zhang, Lihai | A multi-reference-based mode selection approach for the implementation of NExT-ERA in modal-based damage detection | 1137-1153 |
Gonzalez-Buelga, A. / Clare, L. R. / Cammarano, A. / Neild, S. A. / Burrow, S. G. / Inman, D. J. | An optimised tuned mass damper/harvester device | 1154-1169 |
Billmaier, Maximilian / Bucher, Christian / Adam, Christoph | Selective sensitive finite element model updating: an improved approach | 1170-1192 |