Structural Control and Health Monitoring - v. 20, n. 9 (September 2013)
Erschienen: | September 2013 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Li, Hui / Tao, Dongwang / Huang, Yong / Bao, Yuequan | A data-driven approach for seismic damage detection of shear-type building structures using the fractal dimension of time-frequency features | 1191-1210 |
Lei, Y. / Wu, D. T. / Liu, L. J. | A decentralized structural control algorithm with application to the benchmark control problem for seismically excited buildings | 1211-1225 |
Jo, Hongki / Sim, Sung-Han / Tatkowski, Andrzej / Spencer, B. F. / Nelson, Mark E. | Feasibility of displacement monitoring using low-cost GPS receivers | 1240-1254 |
Russo, Salvatore | On the monitoring of historic Anime Sante church damaged by earthquake in L'Aquila | 1226-1239 |