Structural Control and Health Monitoring - v. 15, n. 1 (Februar 2008)
Erschienen: | Februar 2008 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Dozio, Lorenzo / Ghiringhelli, Gian Luca | Experiments on active vibration and noise reduction of a panel using predictive techniques | 1-19 |
Todorovska, Maria I. / Trifunac, Mihailo D. | Impulse response analysis of the Van Nuys 7-storey hotel during 11 earthquakes and earthquake damage detection | 90-116 |
Du, Haiping / Zhang, Nong / Nguyen, Hung | Mixed H2/H∞ control of tall buildings with reduced-order modelling technique | 64-89 |
Chu, Shih-Yu / Lin, Chi-Chang / Chung, Lap-Loi / Chang, Chang-Ching / Lu, Kuo-Haw | Optimal performance of discrete-time direct output-feedback structural control with delayed control forces | 20-42 |
Thien, Andrew B. / Chiamori, Heather C. / Ching, Jeff T. / Wait, Jeannette R. / Park, Gyuhae | The use of macro-fibre composites for pipeline structural health assessment | 43-63 |