Structural Control and Health Monitoring - v. 16, n. 2 (März 2009)
Erschienen: | März 2009 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Wang, Grace S. | Application of hybrid genetic algorithm to system identification | 125-153 |
Chu, Shih-Yu / Lo, Shih-Chieh | Application of real-time adaptive identification technique on damage detection and structural health monitoring | 154-177 |
Li-Ling, Hong / Lee-Hui, Huang / Wun-Yan, Jhou | Identification and variation of story lateral stiffness in buildings | 200-222 |
Hong, Ah Lum / Betti, Raimondo / Lin, Ching-Chang | Identification of dynamic models of a building structure using multiple earthquake records | 178-199 |
Wu, Ai-Lun / Loh, Chin-Hsiung / Yang, Jann N. / Weng, Jian-Huang / Chen, Chia-Han / Ueng, Tzou-Shin | Input force identification: Application to soil-pile interaction | 223-240 |
Huang, Ming-Chih / Wang, Yen-Po / Chang, Jer-Rong / Chien, Chia-Shang Chang | Physical system identification of an isolated bridge using seismic response data | 241-265 |