Steel and Composite Structures (SCS) - v. 8, n. 5 (Oktober 2008)
Erschienen: | Oktober 2008 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Lopes, Emanuel / Simões, Rui | Experimental and analytical behaviour of composite slabs | 361-388 |
Tokgoz, Serkan / Dündar, Cengiz | Experimental tests on biaxially loaded concrete-encased composite columns | 423-438 |
Lee, Seong Hui / Choi, Sung Mo / Lee, E. T. / Shim, Hyun Ju | Full scale test and alnalytical evaluation on flexural behavior of tapered H-section beams with slender web | 389-402 |
Prabha, P. / Marimuthu, V. / Jayachandran, S. Arul / Seetharaman, S. / Raman, N. | An improved polynomial model for top -and seat- angle connection | 403-421 |
Torkzadeh, P. / Salajegheh, J. / Salajegheh, E. | Optimum design of steel framed structures including determination of the best position of columns | 343-359 |