Soils and Foundations - v. 2, n. 1 (1961)
Erschienen: | 1961 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Watanabe, Takashi | Compaction of Dry Sand by Vibration in Horizontal Direction | 1-15 |
Kotota, Kikuo | Excavation | 37-50 |
Ogawa, Yasue / Fujita, Noriyuki | On the Test Dikes for Hachiro-Gata Impoldering project | 16-36 |
Uchida, Ichiro / Matsumoto, Renzo | On the Test of the Modulus of Rupture of Soil Sample | 51-55 |
Yamaguchi, Shinichi | Soil Properties and their Measurements Concerning the Sensitivity Ratio of Clay | 56-62 |