Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering - v. 24, n. 1 (Januar 1987)
Erschienen: | Januar 1987 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Zaretskii, Yu. K. / Karabaev, M. I. | Analysis of settlements of bored-cast-in-place piles in collapsible soils | 13-19 |
Gotman, A. L. | Analysis of tapered piles under combined action of vertical, horizontal, and flexural loads | 7-12 |
Boldyrev, G. G. / Nikitin, E. V. | Deformation of sand in the bed of a strip footing | 36-40 |
Gaidukov, A. N. | Determining the dimensions of an eccentrically loaded foundation | 23-25 |
Kustov, V. P. | Experience with use of heavy drilling slurries in pressure meter tests of soils | 26-30 |
Rabinovich, I. G. / Klemeshev, V. N. / Karamzin, V. E. | Investigation of soil vibrations under tamping by extraheavy rammer | 19-22 |
Muravskii, G. B. / Pugachevskii, D. K. | Oscillations of an elliptical plate on a linearly deformable bed | 31-36 |
Ryzhkov, I. B. / Enikeev, V. M. | Possibility of reducing the duration of static pile tests | 1-7 |
Dovnarovich, S. V. / Teplyakov, A. A. | Stresses in a bed beneath rigid and flexible foundations under initial and repeated loadings | 41-46 |