Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering - v. 44, n. 2 (März 2007)
Erschienen: | März 2007 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Luchkin, M. A. / Ulitskii, V. M. / Shashkin, A. G. / Shashkin, K. G. | Analysis of the settlements of buildings and structures erected on weak clayey soils with allowance for shear deformations over time | 56-61 |
Kargapolov, V. D. | Causes of the deformations of a school building in the village of Dukat in the Magadan oblast | 72-75 |
Smolyanitskii, L. A. | Deformations of earth structures under capillary pressure | 67-71 |
Shapiro, D. M. / Mel'nichuk, N. N. | Elastoplastic finite-element analysis of the bearing capacity of beds of reconstructed entities | 62-66 |
Matsii, S. I. / Derevenets, F. N. | Interaction between a slide-prone soil and piles with consideration of the configuration of the retaining structure | 49-55 |
Ter-Martirosyan, Z. G. / Nam, Din' Kwang / Nam, Nguen Zang | Interaction between pile foundation and soil | 39-47 |
Zaretskii, Yu. K. / Karabaev, M. I. | On the bearing capacity of sandy foundation beds | 48 |