Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering - v. 41, n. 1 (Januar 2004)
Erschienen: | Januar 2004 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Motuzov, Ya. Ya. / Ibragimov, M. N. / Semkin, V. V. | Experience with Stabilization of Weak Slimy Soils | 13-17 |
Bykov, V. I. | Geotechnical Construction of the Underground Portion a Business and Administrative Complex in Orenburg | 9-12 |
Abzhalimov, R. Sh. | Hypothesis Concerning Distribution of Normal Forces of Frost Heaving across the Lower Surface of Solidly Frozen Soil Layers beneath Foundations | 27-33 |
Bronin, V. N. / Povyshev, N. N. | Inspection of the Bed and Foundations beneath the South Facade of the Mikhailovskii Castle in Saint Petersburg | 18-22 |
Lyazgin, A. L. / Ostroborodov, S. V. / Pustovoit, G. P. / Shevtsov, K. P. | Leveling of Pile Foundations Supporting Electric Transmission Lines by Temperature Control of Bed Soils | 23-26 |
Bakholdin, B. V. / Yastrebov, P. I. | Method of Determining Strength and Deformation Characteristics of Soils from Results of Deep Impression of Rod Plates | 4-8 |