Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - Juni 2012
Erschienen: | Juni 2012 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Trifunac, Mihailo D. | Earthquake response spectra for performance based design—A critical review | 73-83 |
Cakir, Tufan / Livaoğlu, Ramazan | Fast practical analytical model for analysis of backfill-rectangular tank-fluid interaction systems | 24-37 |
Arias-Trujillo, Juana / Blázquez, Rafael / López-Querol, Susana | A methodology based on a transfer function criterion to evaluate time integration algorithms | 1-23 |
Cazzani, Antonio / Ruge, Peter | Numerical aspects of coupling strongly frequency-dependent soil–foundation models with structural finite elements in the time-domain | 56-72 |
Bindi, D. / Abdrakhmatov, K. / Parolai, S. / Mucciarelli, M. / Grünthal, G. / Ischuk, A. / Mikhailova, N. / Zschau, J. | Seismic hazard assessment in Central Asia: Outcomes from a site approach | 84-91 |
Caltabiano, S. / Cascone, E. / Maugeri, M. | Static and seismic limit equilibrium analysis of sliding retaining walls under different surcharge conditions | 38-55 |