Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - v. 23, n. 5 (Juli 2003)
Erschienen: | Juli 2003 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Allotey, Nii / Hesham El Naggar, M. | Analytical moment–rotation curves for rigid foundations based on a Winkler model | 367-381 |
Cascone, Ernesto / Rampello, Sebastiano | Decoupled seismic analysis of an earth dam | 349-365 |
Nour, Ali / Slimani, Abdennasser / Laouami, Nasser / Afra, Hamid | Finite element model for the probabilistic seismic response of heterogeneous soil profile | 331-348 |
Spyrakos, C. C. / Xu, Chaojin | Seismic soil–structure interaction of massive flexible strip-foundations embedded in layered soils by hybrid BEM–FEM | 383-389 |
Tsogka, Chrysoula / Wirgin, Armand | Simulation of seismic response in an idealized city | 391-402 |
Hall, Lars | Simulations and analyses of train-induced ground vibrations in finite element models | 403-413 |