Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - v. 18, n. 4 (Juni 1999)
Erschienen: | Juni 1999 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Wang, Junjie / Hu, Shide / Wei, Xiao | Effects of engineering geological condition on response of suspension bridges | 297-304 |
Miles, S. B. / Ho, C. L. | Rigorous landslide hazard zonation using Newmark's method and stochastic ground motion simulation | 305-323 |
Al-Homoud, A. S. / Whitman, R. V. | Seismic analysis and design of rigid bridge abutments considering rotation and sliding incorporating non-linear soil behavior | 247-277 |
Pergalani, F. / Romeo, R. / Luzi, L. / Petrini, V. / Pugliese, A. / Sano, T. | Seismic microzoning of the area struck by Umbria–Marche (Central Italy) Ms 5.9 earthquake of 26 September 1997 | 279-296 |