Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering - v. 17, n. 2 (Februar 1998)
Erschienen: | Februar 1998 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Gupta, I. D. / Trifunac, M. D. | Defining equivalent stationary PSDF to account for nonstationarity of earthquake ground motion | 89-99 |
Tham, L. G. / Qian, J. / Cheung, Y. K. | Dynamic response of a group of flexible foundations to incident seismic waves | 127-137 |
Zhao, J. X. | Estimating kinematic interaction of raft foundations from earthquake records and its effects on structural response | 73-88 |
Dargahi-Noubary, G. R. | Identification of seismic events based on stochastic properties of the short-period records | 101-115 |
Kawakami, Hideji / Haddadi, Hamid R. | Modeling wave propagation by using normalized input-output minimization (NIOM) | 117-126 |