Smart Structures and Systems (SSS) - v. 9, n. 5 (Mai 2012)
Erschienen: | Mai 2012 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Lee, Hyeonseok / Sohn, Hoon | Damage detection for pipeline structures using optic-based active sensing | 461-472 |
Arefi, M. / Rahimi, G. H. / Khoshgoftar, M. J. | Exact solution of a thick walled functionally graded piezoelectric cylinder under mechanical, thermal and electrical loads in the magnetic field | 427-439 |
Marinković, Dragan / Marinkovic, Zoran | On FEM modeling of piezoelectric actuators and sensors for thin-walled structures | 411-426 |
Zhu, Hong-Hu / Ho, Albert N. L. / Yin, Jian-Hua / Sun, H. W. / Pei, Hua-fu / Hong, Cheng-Yu | An optical fibre monitoring system for evaluating the performance of a soil nailed slope | 393-410 |
Montejo, Luis A. / Vidot-Vega, Aidcer L. | Synchrosqueezed wavelet transform for frequency and damping identification from noisy signals | 441-459 |