Smart Structures and Systems (SSS) - v. 6, n. 3 (April 2010)
Erschienen: | April 2010 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Wright, Peter | Assessment of London underground tube tunnels - investigation, monitoring and analysis | 239-262 |
Ferri, Matteo / Mancarella, Fulvio / Seshia, Ashwin / Ransley, James / Soga, Kenichi / Zalesky, Jan / Roncaglia, Alberto | Fabrication and packaging techniques for the application of MEMS strain sensors to wireless crack monitoring in ageing civil infrastructures | 225-238 |
Grosse, Christian U. / Glaser, Steven D. / Krüger, Markus | Initial development of wireless acoustic emission sensor Motes for civil infrastructure state monitoring | 197-209 |
Weiland, Lisa Mauck / Akle, Barbar | Ionic Polymer Transducers in sensing: the streaming potential hypothesis | 211-223 |
Wang, Ming L. / Yim, Jinsuk | Sensor enriched infrastructure system | 309-333 |
Sozen, Mete A. / Pujol, Santiago | A sensor for confident identification of structural damage in reinforced concrete buildings | 291-307 |
Swartz, R. Andrew / Lynch, Jerome P. / Zerbst, Stephan / Sweetman, Bert / Rolfes, Raimund | Structural monitoring of wind turbines using wireless sensor networks | 183-196 |
Deraemaeker, A. / Preumont, A. / Reynders, E. / de Roeck, G. / Kullaa, J. / Lamsa, V. / Worden, K. / Manson, G. / Barthorpe, R. / Papatheou, E. / Kudela, P. / Malinowski, P. / Ostachowicz, W. / Wandowski, T. | Vibration-based structural health monitoring using large sensor networks | 335-347 |
Meyer, Jonas / Bischoff, Reinhard / Feltrin, Glauco / Motavalli, Masoud | Wireless sensor networks for long-term structural health monitoring | 263-275 |
Hoult, Neil A. / Fidler, Paul R. A. / Hill, Peter G. / Middleton, Campbell R. | Wireless structural health monitoring of bridges: present and future | 277-290 |