Smart Materials and Structures - v. 2, n. 1 (März 1993)
Erschienen: | März 1993 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Chandrashekhara, K. / Bhatia, K. | Active buckling control of smart composite plates-finite-element analysis | 31-39 |
Pei, Qibing / Inganas, O. / Lundstrom, I. | Bending bilayer strips built from polyaniline for artificial electrochemical muscles | 1-6 |
Wu, Zhen / Bao, Xiao-Qi / Varadan, V. K. / Varadan, V. V. | Broadband active acoustic absorbing coating with an adaptive digital controller | 40-46 |
Chen, Pu-Woei / Chung, D. D. L. | Carbon fiber reinforced concrete for smart structures capable of non-destructive flaw detection | 22-30 |
Than, C. F. / Tee, K. C. / Low, K. S. / Tso, C. P. | Optical measurement of slope, thickness and velocity in liquid film flow | 13-21 |
Kupchinov, B. I. / Ermakov, S. F. / Rodnenkov, V. G. / Bobrysheva, S. N. / Beloenko, E. D. / Kestelman, V. N. | Role of liquid crystals in the lubrication of living joints | 7-12 |
Kashani, R. / Fluder, O. | Systematic formulation of model uncertainties for smart structures | 47-54 |