Science of The Total Environment - Mai 2022
Erschienen: | Mai 2022 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Loli, Marianna / Mitoulis, Stergios Aristoteles / Tsatsis, Angelos / Manousakis, John / Kourkoulis, Rallis / Zekkos, Dimitrios | Flood characterization based on forensic analysis of bridge collapse using UAV reconnaissance and CFD simulations | 153661 |
Ignatius, Amber R. / Purucker, S. Thomas / Schaeffer, Blake A. / Wolfe, Kurt / Urquhart, Erin / Smith, Deron | Satellite-derived cyanobacteria frequency and magnitude in headwaters & near-dam reservoir surface waters of the Southern U.S. | 153568 |