Science of The Total Environment - Februar 2020
Erschienen: | Februar 2020 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Shi, Jiaxin / Zhang, Baogang / Wang, Ya'nan / Fu, Jie | Effects of hydropower dam construction on sulfur distribution and sulfate-reducing prokaryotes assemblage | 135819 |
Thompson, Fabiano / de Oliveira, Braulio Cherene / Cordeiro, Marcelle Candido / Masi, Bruno P. / Rangel, Thiago Pessanha / Paz, Pedro / Freitas, Thamyres / Lopes, Grasiele / Silva, Bruno Sergio / Cabral, Anderson S. / Soares, Maria / Lacerda, Diego / dos Santos Vergilio, Cristiane / Lopes-Ferreira, Mônica / Lima, Carla / Thompson, Cristiane / de Rezende, Carlos Eduardo | Severe impacts of the Brumadinho dam failure (Minas Gerais, Brazil) on the water quality of the Paraopeba River | 135914 |