Science and Technology for the Built Environment - v. 30, n. 1 (Dezember 2023)
Erschienen: | Dezember 2023 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Ene, Alexandra Elena / Teodosiu, Cătălin | Analysis of demisting strategies for electric vehicles | 1-14 |
Quintã, André / Conceição, Cheila / Martins, Nelson / Ferreira, Jorge A. F. | Code generation for embedded predictive control of gas water heaters | 1-14 |
Webb, Amanda L. / Khanuja, Apoorv | Developing a standardized categorization system for energy efficiency measures (1836-RP) | 1-16 |
Kim, Chul / Haberl, Jeff | Impact of thermal zone modeling on a small office building with all-electric HVAC systems in hot-humid and cold-humid climates | 1-22 |
St-Jacques, Max / Bucking, Scott / O’Brien, William / Macdonald, Iain | Spatio-temporal electrical grid emission factors effects on calculated GHG emissions of buildings in mixed-grid environments | 1-14 |
Rothe, Joshua / Ebanesar, Jerin Robins / Cremaschi, Lorenzo | Tube Bundle Evaporators with LGWP Refrigerant R1234ze(E) | 1-20 |