Restoration of Buildings and Monuments - v. 22, n. 2-3 (Dezember 2016)
Erschienen: | Dezember 2016 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Rodrigues, Jose Delgado / Charola, A. Elena / Henriques, Fernando M. A. | Conservation and Restoration of the Don José I Monument in Lisbon, Portugal. Part I: Stone Components | 75-80 |
Matteini, Mauro / Rodrigues, Jose Delgado / Fontinha, Rute / Charola, A. Elena | Conservation and Restoration of the Don José I Monument in Lisbon, Portugal. Part II: Metal Components | 81-87 |
Ignoul, Sven / Van Gemert, Dionys | Durable Restoration of Reinforced Concrete Grillage Roof Shell of Ensor Gallery in Ostend (B) | 65-73 |
Hayen, Roald / de Clercq, Hilde | Protecting the Stone Artworks of the Seventeenth Century Portico of the House of Pieter Paul Rubens in Antwerp (Belgium) from Wind Driven Rain | 47-64 |