Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - v. 35, n. 3 (November 1966)
Erschienen: | November 1966 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Uhlmann, H. L. B. | A Contribution to the Theory and Design of Counterflow Natural Draught Cooling Towers | 491-497 |
Harrison, A. J. M. | Design of Channels for Supercritical Flow | 475-490 |
Gregory, M. S. | Framed Structures: the Instability Problem | 451-473 |
Sir George Matthew McNaughton, 1893-1966 | 560 | |
Young, W. / Falkiner, R. H. | Some Design and Construction Features of the Cruachan Pumped Storage Project | 407-450 |
Finn, E. V. / Carey, H. N. / King, J. R. J. | Strand Underpass | 385-406 |