Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - v. 14, n. 4 (Dezember 1959)
Erschienen: | Dezember 1959 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Popel, F. | Development in Public Health Engineering in Germany | 339-362 |
Godden, W. G. / Thompson, J. C. | An Experimental Study of a Model Tied-Arch Bridge | 383-394 |
Allen, F. H. | Hydraulic Model Techniques: Resume of Vernon Harcourt Lecture, 1959. Delivered to Algs on 21 January 1959. | 15-17 |
Martin George Sutherland, 1896-1959 | 500 | |
Measor, E. O. / Haley, L. B. / Harris, A. J. | The Planning and Design of Maintenance Bases for Civil Aircraft | 363-382, plates |
Boniface, E. S. | Some Experiments in Artificial Recharge in the Lower Lee Valley | 325-338, plates |