Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport - v. 123, n. 4 (November 1997)
Erschienen: | November 1997 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Gardner, K. / Cobain, P. A. | Bus priorities: a solution to urban congestion? | 205-212 |
Barling, J. M. | Concrete and airport pavements | 226-233 |
Hayward, G. | Developing the London bus priority network | 213-219 |
Macdonald, J. H. G. / Dagless, E. L. / Thomas, B. T. / Taylor, C. A. | Dynamic measurements of the Second Severn Crossing | 241-248 |
O'Dwyer, D. | Realignment of railway curves | 234-240 |
Williams, A. R. | Vehicle, tyre, road interaction - the vision for the future | 220-225 |