Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings - v. 174, n. 12 (Dezember 2021)
Erschienen: | Dezember 2021 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Gholhaki, Majid / Barhemmat, Rojyar / Rezaifar, Omid | The Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Frames with Steel Plate Shear Walls Subjected to Near and Far-Fault Earthquakes | 1-53 |
Yue, Jin-Chao / Li, Wen-Jie / Gao, Pan / Zhang, Shi-Xing | Development and application of large-scale model test system for underwater shield tunnel | 1-34 |
Rezaiee-Pajand, Mohammad / Naserian, Rahele | Presenting a robust updated normal plane scheme for geometric nonlinear structural analysis | 1-36 |
Cheng, Kaikai / Yao, Jitao / Cheng, Zhengjie | Study of Load Combination Values for Existing Frame Structures | 1-34 |
Saleem, Muhammad Azhar / Saleem, Muhammad Mazhar / Ifran-ul-Hassan, Muhammad | Tiny house/single family house construction using ferrocement wall panels | 1-35 |