Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Structures and Buildings - v. 171, n. 8 (August 2018)
Erschienen: | August 2018 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Sun, Feifei / Ran, Mingming / Li, Guoqiang / Xiao, Robert Y. / Wang, Yan | Experimental and numerical study of high-strength steel butt weld with softened HAZ | 583-597 |
Yazdi, Hassanali Mosalman / Ramli Sulong, Nor Hafizah | On the behaviour of mid-connection in off-centre bracing system | 598-610 |
Yan, Xiao-Lei / Li, Guo-Qiang / Wang, Yan-Bo | Q460C welded box-section columns under eccentric compression | 611-624 |
Ban, Huiyong / Shi, Gang | A review of research on high-strength steel structures | 625-641 |
Zeng, Yong / Zhong, Huadong / Liu, Chengcai / Tan, Hongmei / Gu, An-bang | Study of creep effects in a long-span concrete-filled steel tube arch bridge | 642-658 |