Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering - v. 162, n. 3 (September 2009)
Erschienen: | September 2009 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Larson, M. / Donnelly, C. / Jiménez, J. A. / Hanson, H. | Analytical model of beach erosion and overwash during storms | 115-125 |
Stripling, S. / Panzeri, M. | Modelling shoreline evolution to enhance flood risk assessment | 137-144 |
Donnelly, C. / Larson, M. / Hanson, H. | A numerical model of coastal overwash | 105-114 |
Mendoza, E. T. / Jiménez, J. A. | Regional vulnerability analysis of Catalan beaches to storms | 127-135 |
Li, Y. / Reeve, D. | A stochastic method for predicting average beach shape | 97-103 |