Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement - v. 174, n. 3 (August 2021)
Erschienen: | August 2021 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Kainrath, Adrian / Adam, Dietmar / Hornich, Wolfgang | Cement-content determination for grouts and grouted soils | 1-10 |
Ali, Ammar / Cortes, Douglas D. / Weldon, Brad / Bandini, Paola / Lommler, John C. | Effect of compactive effort on the performance of fine-grained soil–cement mixtures | 1-6 |
Massarsch, K. Rainer / Wersäll, Carl / Fellenius, Bengt H. | Liquefaction induced by deep vertical vibratory compaction | 1-12 |
Hayashi, Hirochika / Hatakeyama, Osamu / Hashimoto, Hijiri | Reducing the secondary consolidation of peat ground using vacuum consolidation | 1-12 |
Azneb, A. S. / Banerjee, Subhadeep / Robinson, Retnamony G. | Shear strength of cement-treated marine clay under triaxial and plane strain conditions | 1-14 |
Soe Moe, K. W. / Bo, M. W. / Arulrajah, Arul / Horpibulsuk, Suksun / Hoy, Menglim | Strength and Stiffness Parameters determined from Cone Pressuremeter Tests at Changi East, Singapore | 1-37 |
Chaiyaput, Salisa / Bergado, Dennes Taganajan / Kovittayanun, Nuttaphong | Vibro-compaction at a land reclamation site in Phuket, Thailand | 1-9 |