Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement - v. 161, n. 3 (August 2008)
Erschienen: | August 2008 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Mohamedelhassan, E. / Shang, J. Q. / Ismail, M. A. / Randolph, M. F. | Electrochemical stabilisation for offshore model caissons | 131-141 |
Saiyouri, N. / Jason, L. / Chupin, O. / Hicher, P. Y. | Modelling and acoustic monitoring of grout propagation in sands | 143-152 |
Bathurst, R. J. / Nernheim, A. / Allen, T. M. | Predicted and measured loads using the coherent gravity method | 113-120 |
Srirama Rao, A. / Phanikumar, B. R. / Suresh, K. | Response of granular pile-anchors under compression | 121-129 |
Siddharthan, R. V. / Porbaha, A. | Seismic response evaluation of sites improved by deep mixing, Part 2: Verification | 163-169 |
Siddharthan, R. V. / Porbaha, A. | Seismic response evaluation of sites improved by deep mixing, Part I: Proposed approach | 153-162 |