Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Ground Improvement - v. 169, n. 3 (August 2016)
Erschienen: | August 2016 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Kolay, Prabir K. / Rahman, Md Aminur | Physico-geotechnical properties of peat and its stabilisation | 206-216 |
Gangaputhiran, Sridhar / Robinson, Retnamony G. / Karpurapu, Rajagopal | Properties of soil after surcharge or vacuum preloading | 217-230 |
Sreelekshmy Pillai, Geethalakshmi Amma / Vinod, Parameswaran Pillai | Re-examination of compaction parameters of fine-grained soils | 157-166 |
Sharma, Anil Kumar / Sivapullaiah, Puvvadi Venkata | Strength development in fly ash and slag mixtures with lime | 194-205 |
Vahedifard, Farshid / Howard, Isaac L. / Badran, Walaa H. / Carruth, William D. / Hamlehdari, Maysam / Jordan, Brian D. | Strength indices of high-moisture soils using handheld gauges | 167-181 |
Alazigha, Dennis Pere / Indraratna, Buddhima / Vinod, Jayan S. / Ezeajugh, Lambert Emeka | The swelling behaviour of lignosulfonate-treated expansive soil | 182-193 |