Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering - v. 162, n. 4 (August 2009)
Erschienen: | August 2009 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Sivakumar Babu, G. L. / Singh, V. P. | Deformation and stability regression models for soil nail walls | 213-223 |
Mundell, C. / McCombie, P. / Bailey, C. / Heath, A. / Walker, P. | Limit-equilibrium assessment of drystone retaining structures | 203-212 |
Wood, David Muir | Obituary: Sir Alan Muir Wood, 1921–2009 | 239-241 |
Long, A. E. | Obituary: Victor Milligan, 1929–2009 | 242-243 |
Xu, H.-F. / Yue, Z. Q. / Qian, Q.-H. | Predicting uplift resistance of deep piles with enlarged bases | 225-238 |
Abbireddy, C. O. R. / Clayton, C. R. I. | A review of modern particle sizing methods | 193-201 |