Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering - v. 164, n. 3 (Juni 2011)
Erschienen: | Juni 2011 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Puttock, Richard / Foster, Robert / Walkley, Simon | The adaptation and use of French and UK earthworks methods | 169-179 |
El Mountassir, Gráinne / Sánchez, Marcelo / Romero, Enrique / Soemitro, Ria A. A. | Behaviour of compacted silt used to construct flood embankment | 195-210 |
Watts, Ken S. / Cooper, Adrian | Compaction of fills in land reclamation by rapid impact | 181-193 |
Li, Lisa J. H. / Zhang, Limin / Kwong, Ben C. P. | Field permeability at shallow depth in a compacted fill | 211-221 |
Davies, Philip R. E. / McIlquham, James D. | Geotechnical design for the Port Botany expansion project, Sydney | 149-167 |
Palmer, Jonathan S. / Campbell, Alistair / Wilson, Roy | Reclamation of former ironstone workings, Priors Hall, Corby, UK | 235-242 |
Hughes, Paul N. / Glendinning, Stephanie / Manning, David A. C. / White, Maggie L. | Use of red gypsum in soil mixing engineering applications | 223-234 |