Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering - v. 156, n. 1 (Januar 2003)
Erschienen: | Januar 2003 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Gaba, A. R. / Simpson, B. / Beadman, D. R. / Powrie, W. | Briefing: Embedded retaining walls: guidance for economic design | 13-15 |
Langdon, N. | Briefing: Geotechnical engineering education and the lost 60 000; who mislaid them? A personal view | 5-6 |
Ng, C. W. W. / Kong, C. K. M. | Briefing: Geotechnical engineering practice and research in Hong Kong | 7-11 |
Beadman, D. R. | Briefing: The education and training of geotechnical specialists | 3-4 |
Beadman, David | Civil Engineering Practice | 59-60 |
Richards, D. J. / Chandler, R. J. / Lock, A. C. | Electronic data transfer systems for field monitoring | 47-55 |
Renaud, J.-P. / Anderson, M. G. / Wilkinson, P. L. / Lloyd, D. M. / Muir Wood, D. | The importance of visualisation of results from slope stability analysis | 27-33 |
Lo, S. R. | Partial factors and non-linear ground–structure interaction | 35-46 |
Lehane, B. M. | Vertically loaded shallow foundation on soft clayey silt | 17-26 |