Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering - v. 169, n. 3 (Juni 2016)
Erschienen: | Juni 2016 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Bellato, Diego / D'Agostini, Sandro / Cola, Simonetta / Simonini, Paolo | Behaviour of micropiles in heterogeneous coarse soils | 250-263 |
Bozorgzadeh, Nezam / Harrison, John P. | Characteristic triaxial strength of intact rock for LSD | 291-298 |
Liu, Junwei / Zhang, Mingyi / Yu, Feng | CPT-correlated design method of open-ended concrete pipe pile | 240-249 |
Murphy, Gerry / Doherty, Paul / Cadogan, David / Gavin, Kenneth | Field experiments on instrumented winged monopiles | 227-239 |
Gorasia, Rohit Jay / McNamara, Andrew | High-capacity ribbed pile foundations | 264-275 |
Zou, Jin-feng / He, Zheng | Numerical approach for strain-softening rock with axial stress | 276-290 |
Newman, Tim / Bellhouse, Matthew / Corcoran, John / Sutherden, Richard / Karaouzene, Rafik | TBM performance through the engineering geology of the Lee Tunnel | 299-313 |