Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Geotechnical Engineering - v. 170, n. 2 (April 2017)
Erschienen: | April 2017 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Bloodworth, Alan G. / Houlsby, Guy T. | Analysis of pre-vault tunnelling interaction with buildings | 99-116 |
Wilkins, Tracey / Worrall, Kim / Smith, Rod | Briefing: BS 8006-1: a major amendment for 2016 | 97-98 |
Baroni, Magnos / Almeida, Márcio de Souza S. | Compressibility and stress history of very soft organic clays | 148-160 |
Ouyang, Zhongkun / Mayne, Paul W. | Effective friction angle of soft to firm clays from flat dilatometer | 137-147 |
Xiao, Shiguo / Guo, Wei Dong | Limit analysis of ground anchor forces | 175-185 |
Kumar, Ashutosh / Patil, Milind / Choudhury, Deepankar | Soil–structure interaction in a combined pile–raft foundation – a case study | 117-128 |
Razavi, Seyyed Kazem / Hajialilue Bonab, Masoud | Study of soil nailed wall under service loading condition | 161-174 |
Larkela, Liisa / Lehtonen, Jouko / Korkiala-Tanttu, Leena | Testing of open section drilled C-pile and CT-pile wall | 129-136 |