Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Construction Materials - v. 167, n. 5 (Oktober 2014)
Erschienen: | Oktober 2014 |
Artikel in dieser Ausgabe
Autor(en) | Titel | Seite(n) |
Thomas, Wilfred H. / Fan, Mizi | Briefing: Design punching shear capacity of wood-based panels | 237-240 |
Vasanelli, Emilia / Micelli, Francesco / Aiello, Maria Antonietta | Influence of matrix grade on the mechanical behaviour of fibre-reinforced concrete | 258-270 |
Estabragh, Ali R. / Kargar, Samaneh / Javadi, Akbar A. | Investigation on the mechanical properties of gypsum soil | 251-257 |
Nelson, Claire / Malumbela, Goitseone | On the compressive strength of Botswana masonry units | 271-276 |
Widyatmoko, Iswandaru / Elliott, Richard C. | Strength characteristics and durability of epoxy asphalts | 241-250 |